Bentoshield, the same as bentonite clay carpet, is used for insulation of tunnels, hydropower plants, pools and reservoirs, terraces and roofs, columns, underground structures, building foundations and walls. After its installation, a waterproof layer is formed. Bentoshield is indispensable in the case of such a ground where there is a large amount of underground water.

Bentoshield is a specially designed unique waterproofing system that effectively copes with difficulties that cannot be achieved by traditional insulating systems. As a reliable and self-healing waterproofing system, it provides a 100% guarantee of the longevity of the buildings.

Bentoshield contains millions of particles of bentonite clay, which, when placed on top of each other, form a single waterproofing layer. It expands 16 times in contact with water and moisture compared to its dry state. Bentonite mat under pressure (press) between concrete and soil forms a uniform thick and impenetrable mass.

Its expandability makes it possible to fill and repair concrete cracks caused by seismic events, soil and concrete settlement.


1.1. Application of bentonite clay mat


  1. Concrete
  2. Bentonite granules
  3. Waterproofing /bentonite clay carpet/
  4. Bentonite granules

1.2. Use of bituminous, roll membrane


  1. Concrete
  2. Boiling point
  3. Bitumen primer
  4. Waterproofing
    /wholesale, roll membrane/
  5. Protective layer
    /drainage membrane/

2.2. Use of bituminous, roll membrane


  1. Concrete
  2. Boiling point
  3. Bitumen primer
  4. Waterproofing
    /wholesale, roll membrane/
  5. Protective layer

3.1. PVC მემბრანის გამოყენება


  1. Concrete
  2. Boiling point
  3. Waterproofing
    /PVC membrane/
  4. Protective layer
    /drainage membrane/

2.2. Use of bituminous, roll membrane


  1. Concrete
  2. Boiling point
  3. Waterproofing
    /PVC membrane/
  4. Protective layer